Friday, March 1, 2013

February AFQ Show and Tell and Meeting

This past Monday, February 25th was the last meeting of the Ashtabula Friendly Quilters.

Here are a few photographs of the good time we all had!

"Like" Ashtabula Friendly Quilters on FaceBook for information on the next meeting, programs and of course, more pictures that haven't been posted here!

Janurary AFQ Meeting Pictures

I apologize for the delay, here are January's pictures!  You know you all can pinch me once in a while if I'm slacking on my duties!!  ;)

- Valerie Smith

Valerie (me) showing my first quilt quilted on my long arm!

Valerie (me!) showing a mini-wholecloth

ME!  Valerie!  Showing a Buzz Saw Quilt

Kathy B showing her very first quilt - a Yellow Brick Road

Cathie spelled CATHIE showing her gorgeous quilt, quilted by Kathy McCarty

Another quilt Cathie brought to show, a Halloween top she recently finished

Leah's butterfly top

Leah's comfort quilt made from jellyroll strips

Lois sharing her clutch bags

Bonnie showing off her knitted bag

Holly demonstrating a quick quilting project